Thursday 28 April 2016

There is a rather vicious and unattractive blogger out there who's name, I believe, is Michelle Malkin. 
For some reason this specimen always seems to be angry. In all truthfulness I can say thatI have yet to actually read an article or blog from this woman that promotes joy and human happiness. Misery, woe, and bitterness seem to be the only things that one can sense in her many rancid articles. The same goes for those who disgrace themselves by actually taking time to comment on her flatulent offerings to literature and journalism.

She took on Beyonce's latest album in her latest finger wagging and froth filled rant. I am not sure why as Beyonce simply did what many past artists have done and went into the studio and expressed herself. I have yet to hear myself but by all accounts the album is quite good and will do well sales wise. But no, having found nothing musically to criticise, indeed I suspect she loves the album, and unable to extract anything from its lyrics to use as a stake to drive through Beyonce's heart, she chose to go after some of Mrs Jay Z's instagram fans and somehow managed to conflate the albums theme with the par for the course yelling's of the usual trolls who attacked people who criticised the album. Come on! There is no celebrity post that does not unintentionally (I admit, sometimes intentionally) attract the loving embrace of the internet troll community.

Reading through her vicious and snarling "protest"  I remembered that I been similarly assaulted by previous blog's from this nasty little toad on Young Jeezy (I do not know who he is but it said that he is a rapper) and Jay Z. Eminem and The Game have also tragically "fallen victim" to her bilious shrieking. I am sure that there are many others. I do not often read her blog. I try to concern myself with genuine intellectualism and literary creativity in whatever field when I take to the cyberworld to acquaint myself with the latest goings on. 
For someone who claims to fervently detest these hip hop hero's, I cant help but wonder why it is that this woman actually comes across as very knowledgeable about hip hop, even to a layman. She quotes songs and lyrics that even my hip hop mad sons don't seem to have heard of. This is truly amazing given that she is my age. My generation are capable of quoting Public Enemy, Tribe Called Quest, some early EmInem and so on but that is pretty much where it ends. To be able to quote lyric from barely five years ago takes some serious devotion to Hip Hop.

I think she should 'fess up and admit that hip hop is hot and that she loves it! Pretending not to like it (or some of it) simply to appeal to her base of empty headed ignoramuses is dishonest for someone who claims to be a journalist.  Her behaviour is akin to that of an immature schoolgirl who is not quite sure of how to draw the attention of her crush and who in desperation resorts to making silly angry faces at the object of her desires.

Then again, honesty and goodness is not something easily associated with her most fervent and loving supporters.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Afritudes Ten Black Commandments

1) Love thyself.
2) Continually educate yourself.
3) Study and understand your history in order to profit from it.
 4) Challenge existing negative stereotypes of ourselves.
5) Build and strengthen the family unit.
6) Do for self and  establish your own businesses in order to become self reliance.
7) Create value for  and within the community in which you do so
8) Value your own media and promote your cultural and social interests
9) Make it a point of honour to help your brother and your sister when they need it.
10) Always be courteous and kind and respectful at all times to those who deserve it.

Brotha Afritude

Monday 7 September 2015

Of "Holy" healing sessions and all that crap

I often wonder why people have so much faith in God, and in holy revelations, and miracle cures etc.
As I pondered over this today, I remember a small story that was told to me a while ago that pretty much mirrors what happens each time there is a genuine and not "made for TV" attempt to heal the sick via spiritual intervention.

It usually goes like this..

An ordinary working  man or a woman will go down with a perfectly curable afliction but due to their faith, rather than do what most sensible people do and go and consult a medical practitioner, they usually send for their churches most powerful preacher or pastor. If one so happens to be in that area, they will request the services of whoever the "in fashion" prophet at the time is. Its funny how the genuinely well to do or reasonably educated in life seldom sink to this level but I digress.

The preacher or prophet will arrive wearing either in a shiny handsome looking suit that the majority of their followers or congregants cant afford, or enrobed in "white as driven snow" and holy looking garments. He will then piously enter the house, and after a few niceties ask all present to gather round the sick man close their eyes and pray.

Once the prayer session is over he will then sprinkle some holy water over the poor man, look up to heavens, and then bellow out at nothing in particular demanding that the illness depart from his patient in the name of the Lord.

In many instances a collection then takes place which the bamboozled are led to believe will be used either to help the pastor enhance and improve his ministry, or the prophet to buy a few provisions for his latest trek to some desolate spot in the woods to do battle with the dangerous spirits of the devils army which doubtless would have played a role in the deterioration of the health of his patient
That done, he goes off and waits for his prayer to "work its magic".

As is almost always the case, It turns out that the prayer did not work and that the patient has taken a turn for the worse and so the cycle is repeated; this time with ever more powerful prayers and spiritual murmuring , and the sprinkling of even more powerful holy water.

The patient groans and then feebly lifts his hands up and joins in in the now almost mystical chanting and , on cue, the preacher presses his well used bible viciously down on his chest and commands this bad Lucifer inspired illness to flee in the name of Jesus and his many saints. Hallelujah!
The patient collapses back onto the bed and his eyes start to roll and hs body starts to shiver. This is a good sign to those gathered around his bed. That it might be the beginnings of pre mortem euphoria or delirium does not at any point cross their minds and the "session" is declared a success. Some even permit themselves a triumphant glass of wine after the smug looking Preacher departs after having recommended a few inspiring verses for the relatives to read to his patient throughout the coming days.

Then the patient dies in agony in the middle of the night.

Are the prophets and preachers ever blamed? No, they are not. After they complete their commissions by presiding over the funeral of the departed they are completed exonerated and in some instances, praised for their "hard work". The death of the patient, predictably, is put down to the departeds lack of suffiecient faith, or to Jehovahs fury at the collapse of the morals of modern day people.
 How on earth could Jehovah have shown mercy in a world where gays and lesbians have the nerve to get married.  Didn't the bible recommend execution somewhere in the bible for such activities? And then there is the issue of inter racial marriage. After Ham's appalling sin against his father, this should have been banned for good but still people keep on doing it. There is too much lying in the world will be the opinion of yet another congregant. Others still will blame low church attendances and rampant adultery. And so on and so on.

No, the patient didnt stand a chance.... but at least Jehovah saw how pious and God fearing they, the witnesses, were. This will be good for when they themselves keel over and are asked to give an account of their righteousness to the rulers of the next world.
Not a single one of them will stop to wonder whether they might have been better off taking their ill friend or relative to the doctor, and the preacher and prophet, totally absolved of any wrong doing, will continue to ruin the lives of people with their never ending hucksterism.


Tuesday 24 March 2015

Where did it go wrong children of the mother continent?

Malcomx Looking At The Now. Canvas Print / Canvas Art By Vanness Johnson

Painting by brotha Vanness Johnson

Greetings family.

I have one question for you all today. It is an on-going question - and one that troubles me, if I may put it that way, and you will see why in a few moments.

When our recent ancestors like Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Patrice Lumumba, MLK, Steve Biko and so on, take time out from their undoubtedly busy schedules in the next world, and look down at us as a community that they fought so hard for what do they see?

Are they happy with what they see?

Lets look at what they fought and stood for – at great peril to themselves, and for no monetary gain in every instance.

They fought for our right to self determination and freedom.

They fought for our dignity as a people.

They fought for us to be respected as human beings.

They fought for us to have access to a decent education and to be able to define our futures.

They fought to help us free our minds and to learn to think clearly and positively.

They sacrificed their lives, often painfully, abjectly, and brutally, for these causes; they were prepared to die in prison; they were prepared to be ridiculed through anti black propaganda by the dominant forces in the world just to see their descendants get a chance to get ahead and make progress in this harsh world.

What do they see?

They see an over-sexualised youth dressed like pimps and hoes, and, apparently, proud of it. They stay out late at night, and some don't even have the decency to sit down at the dinner table with their parents and general family. They don't study in the evening but, instead choose to spend time on the plantations that this new generation know as play stations. Knowledge of self appears to have died.

They see an increase in single family households caused by irresponsible fathers who run away from their responsibilities the moment a woman gets pregnant. Who will then give guidance and advice to our seeds if their parents couldn't care a hoot about them?

They see black on black violence at levels never seen in living memory. It seems fashionable to gang-bang and kill each over something as petty as an area code or a color and splash bundles of money all over social media when these men would, and did, teach us to stay humble, save money, not to be vain and flashy if we were to proceed and improve as a community. This saddens me.

They see poorly governed communities, cities and countries in which we live  where we appear to have abandoned ubuntu and mutual kindness, and to have let avarice, cruelty consume us. Something that almost never used to happen before we were "disturbed".

Where did it go wrong?

We are the authors of our own destiny, and we have the tools we need bequeathed to us through the sacrifices of our elders, despite the odd pot-holes here and there, to write our story positively and yet we seem not to be be willing to live our lives productively and inspirationally.

Shall all their hard work and sacrifice be in vain?

Brotha Afritude.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

The reality of life for some

Greetings family.

This is a picture I found on face book somewhere. It hit home because for me it is true in so many ways. I have no more to add.


Stay safe.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Thoughts on the concept of black on black crime

Picture the scene. A newspaper reports that someone has been stabbed or assaulted in “Sarf” London. Another grimly reveals that someone has been shot in Tottenham, North London; or maybe in Aston, Birmingham. One common denominator that I have noticed in these articles is that these papers who run the stories, and the journalists who print them are, doubtless in the interests of a warped form of political correctness, always quick to add that “the crime is believed to be currently under investigation by Trident”.  These are all heavily black areas. In the whiter and equally impoverished areas of London, Birmingham, Liverpool etc white on white crime is simply known as ....crime.. with little, if any, emphasis put upon the race of the victim or the perpetrator.

For those who do not know, Trident is the section of the Metropolitan Police in London that investigates gang crime. It was formed in 1998 to combat a spate of shootings that broke out in Brixton, London that primarily involved “Yardie” Gangs which were comprised, chiefly, of drug dealers of Jamaican origin (Posses)in the United States).

You may read a bit more about Trident here

These days, despite this department having since widened its scope to include all gang related criminality regardless of the racial composition of the individual gangs, the term is basically used as a euphemism for what is commonly described as “black on black” crime. So each time some outrage happens in the black community, in the interests of politeness, the papers decline to nakedly mention the race of the perpetrator or, more accurately in many instances, the alleged perpetrators, they throw the Trident thing into the mix as a sort of dog whistle to let their often right wing readers know what race the prime suspects are.

This concept, once sneeringly guffawed at by those of Middle Eastern and North African origin and who, to be blunt in my experience, have a nasty habit oflooking down on black people, appears to have begun to visit them too. Each time there is a shooting, or an explosion somewhere there is always some sort of mention of Mosque attendance, or discarded Koran's, or that “the suspect/s is or are thought to be of “Mediterranean appearance” They sneer no more.

However, my main concern here is that there appears to be some sort of “racialising” of crime as if to suggest that should a certain type of crime take place it can be reasonably presumed that that crime was committed by a black man, or by an Arab or Middle Eastern looking person. Well, looking at the statistics, this appears to be a inaccurate despite the media coverage. Not all terrorists are Arabs as past events in places in Northern Ireland and past and present ones in the United States will show. The same goes for gang related activity. Not all gangs are black as one might notice when one takes the time to consider the Mafia, who are often portrayed as romantic, Robin Hood style criminals rather than the soulless murderers that they truly are.

Some other non black gangs below

Believe me, the above two gangs, like all other racially exclusive gangs murder way more of their own kind than other races, often over money, betrayal, or for "racial treachery". The incineration of the hapless Jessica Chambers is a case in point.

To compartmentalise crime and general evil-doing on the basis of race is dangerous and in my view, more than just a little dangerous as it leads to generations of children growing up with it hard wired almost innately in them to believe that a black man is someone you should flee, and always view with a healthy suspicion, rather than judge based on the individuals character as opposed to the entire race - as often seems to be the case from what I have learned over a life time of putting up with stereotypes.

Shall we judge an entire race because of the actions of a few?

It is a wrong way to approach life and I blame the media who, ironically, we ll look up to for guidance and a sense of morality, for perpetuating and propagating these myths. Evil is evil and should be confronted and reported upon fairly and with sincerity and integrity. The media is a powerful and widely influential institution which society looks up to and should not be used as a tool with which to shape society through a bigoted prism as often appears to be the case even within certain sections of the so called liberal media.

No black people don't all dance and listen to rap music, we don't all set out from our houses in the evening with the intention to mug and rob innocent people. We don't all play sport well, we are not all rapists and irredeemable drunks. We are just the same as other people and have the same, proportionally, inclinations to do either good or bad. Don't judge me because of what I wear, how I talk, how I cut my hair, how I choose to follow my own cultural norms as opposed to yours. If I have an Afro that is my business. If I choose to wear dreads that is my business too. Its how I choose to live. You don't know me to judge me. Neither do I know you to judge you either.

Frankly speaking I don't care what you do or how you live your life unless you wish to do me harm.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Complete Economic Independence means complete freedom.

Greetings family.

We often talk about “not being free”. I happen to agree with this and my pondering of this issue leads me to a singular conclusion for our current state as a people. The reason we are not free is because, like children, we are way too dependent on the goodwill of others in our endeavours to survive and make a proud living in today's world. What we need is complete economic freedom even though fighting, or working towards this end can be dangerous as you shall see below.

Let me explain why.

Freedom is nothing unless, and until, you become completely economically independent and thus become able to take complete control of your own destiny and to shape it positively for both yourself and your family, as well as for your community. Having the fetters of slavery and colonialism removed from you doesn't make you free. Economic independence though does, as it releases you from all the shackles that hold you back in life both as an individual and, for the purposes of this blog, as a people It instils in you a sense of achievement and grows your confidence as a human being. It also makes you proud of who, and what, you are.

Affirmative action, civil rights legislation; self-governance in some instances, and the evolving of racial tolerance have all played a positive part in raising us out of our past impoverished and feeble position compared to other races but that is only on the outside. As a people the truth remains that we are still the ward of someone else in the broader sense.

You see, being given good jobs on merit does not necessarily make us, as a collective, free. Sure, it improves our financial well being but the fact remains that we remain dependent on the good graces and kindness of those of the dominant races who make those jobs available to us. True freedom for us as a people can only come through ownership of the mode of production and using that ownership to provide jobs and the corresponding economic security for our own.

It pains me to see us, as a race, always negatively portrayed in Oxfam and Red Cross adverts whenever they appeal to people to donate to provide clean water, decent food, and so on, to deprived regions of Africa, or decent housing in the “inner cities” (euphemism for impoverished, often black, neighborhoods) in the developed world. The filming always seems to take place in some grim backwater in the worst places of the given area - which is then promoted as the true representation of how we all live and propagates the theory that we can not survive without the kindness of others.

The harsh truth is that we should be able to survive and progress on our own and in fact we, as as a people, should be doing all of that charity fund raising for ourselves by developing ourselves economically. To do this, and to improve our own areas and countries we need to focus on ourselves as a collective to do so. Not everyone will become rich but what we can certainly do to raise ourselves a notch or two upwards on the economic charts is to pool resources and create viable companies, and firms, and partnerships, that will create job opportunities for our children and spare them from the indignities of being denied employment on the basis of the names and of course, on their skin texture.

Trickle down economic improvement based on community support and unity, and a sense of purpose and drive amongst our own is how I would describe this in a nutshell.

People will always respect, and often times adore, an independent man or woman. More so if they know that that man or woman requires nothing from his admirers to get ahead in life. This, in a sense, is why whenever a black man preaches economic emancipation, the current global economic powers at the given time will do whatever they need to do to remove them as an influence as they understand very well the consequences of no longer being able to dictate terms to those that they consider to be beneath them. The control factor dissipates.....

This is something that has been preached about for ages by luminaries of the black cause like Booker T Washington, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and more recently, by people like Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba and so on. So important is economic freedom some of our former rulers resorted to the facilitation of murder and the creation of false criminal charges to suppress its rise within the black community. The last two leaders mentioned, Lumumba and Nkurumah were toppled at the behest of Western Intelligence agencies due their eagerness to reduce their peoples dependency on the master upon the attainment of independence of their respective countries. Garvey was imprisoned in 1923 on what are widely believed to be trumped up mail fraud charges, and Malcolm was gunned down in February 1965 as he gave his final speech in a ball room in Harlem New York with, it is believed, the complicity of the FBI under its leader, J Edgar Hoover - the same man believed to have been behind the downfall of Garvey

These examples given above, for me, serve to illustrate the power and importance of economic freedom as well as the importance of securing it for our children and for their children afterwards.

I will leave you first with a link to one the first tangible efforts at developing economic freedom for black folk which was funded via modest contributions from within the community. It failed in the end but it remains as an excellent example of what can be achieved via unity.

I will also leave links to some modern day success stories below; people who not only have, through innovation and dogged determination succeeded but who have also done something to improve our embattled community. Stories that should serve as inspirational and as a push towards a better life and condition for our people.

Just think about it..... and act!

In love of Pan Africanism
