Tuesday 24 March 2015

Where did it go wrong children of the mother continent?

Malcomx Looking At The Now. Canvas Print / Canvas Art By Vanness Johnson

Painting by brotha Vanness Johnson

Greetings family.

I have one question for you all today. It is an on-going question - and one that troubles me, if I may put it that way, and you will see why in a few moments.

When our recent ancestors like Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Patrice Lumumba, MLK, Steve Biko and so on, take time out from their undoubtedly busy schedules in the next world, and look down at us as a community that they fought so hard for what do they see?

Are they happy with what they see?

Lets look at what they fought and stood for – at great peril to themselves, and for no monetary gain in every instance.

They fought for our right to self determination and freedom.

They fought for our dignity as a people.

They fought for us to be respected as human beings.

They fought for us to have access to a decent education and to be able to define our futures.

They fought to help us free our minds and to learn to think clearly and positively.

They sacrificed their lives, often painfully, abjectly, and brutally, for these causes; they were prepared to die in prison; they were prepared to be ridiculed through anti black propaganda by the dominant forces in the world just to see their descendants get a chance to get ahead and make progress in this harsh world.

What do they see?

They see an over-sexualised youth dressed like pimps and hoes, and, apparently, proud of it. They stay out late at night, and some don't even have the decency to sit down at the dinner table with their parents and general family. They don't study in the evening but, instead choose to spend time on the plantations that this new generation know as play stations. Knowledge of self appears to have died.

They see an increase in single family households caused by irresponsible fathers who run away from their responsibilities the moment a woman gets pregnant. Who will then give guidance and advice to our seeds if their parents couldn't care a hoot about them?

They see black on black violence at levels never seen in living memory. It seems fashionable to gang-bang and kill each over something as petty as an area code or a color and splash bundles of money all over social media when these men would, and did, teach us to stay humble, save money, not to be vain and flashy if we were to proceed and improve as a community. This saddens me.

They see poorly governed communities, cities and countries in which we live  where we appear to have abandoned ubuntu and mutual kindness, and to have let avarice, cruelty consume us. Something that almost never used to happen before we were "disturbed".

Where did it go wrong?

We are the authors of our own destiny, and we have the tools we need bequeathed to us through the sacrifices of our elders, despite the odd pot-holes here and there, to write our story positively and yet we seem not to be be willing to live our lives productively and inspirationally.

Shall all their hard work and sacrifice be in vain?

Brotha Afritude.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

The reality of life for some

Greetings family.

This is a picture I found on face book somewhere. It hit home because for me it is true in so many ways. I have no more to add.


Stay safe.