Thursday 28 April 2016

There is a rather vicious and unattractive blogger out there who's name, I believe, is Michelle Malkin. 
For some reason this specimen always seems to be angry. In all truthfulness I can say thatI have yet to actually read an article or blog from this woman that promotes joy and human happiness. Misery, woe, and bitterness seem to be the only things that one can sense in her many rancid articles. The same goes for those who disgrace themselves by actually taking time to comment on her flatulent offerings to literature and journalism.

She took on Beyonce's latest album in her latest finger wagging and froth filled rant. I am not sure why as Beyonce simply did what many past artists have done and went into the studio and expressed herself. I have yet to hear myself but by all accounts the album is quite good and will do well sales wise. But no, having found nothing musically to criticise, indeed I suspect she loves the album, and unable to extract anything from its lyrics to use as a stake to drive through Beyonce's heart, she chose to go after some of Mrs Jay Z's instagram fans and somehow managed to conflate the albums theme with the par for the course yelling's of the usual trolls who attacked people who criticised the album. Come on! There is no celebrity post that does not unintentionally (I admit, sometimes intentionally) attract the loving embrace of the internet troll community.

Reading through her vicious and snarling "protest"  I remembered that I been similarly assaulted by previous blog's from this nasty little toad on Young Jeezy (I do not know who he is but it said that he is a rapper) and Jay Z. Eminem and The Game have also tragically "fallen victim" to her bilious shrieking. I am sure that there are many others. I do not often read her blog. I try to concern myself with genuine intellectualism and literary creativity in whatever field when I take to the cyberworld to acquaint myself with the latest goings on. 
For someone who claims to fervently detest these hip hop hero's, I cant help but wonder why it is that this woman actually comes across as very knowledgeable about hip hop, even to a layman. She quotes songs and lyrics that even my hip hop mad sons don't seem to have heard of. This is truly amazing given that she is my age. My generation are capable of quoting Public Enemy, Tribe Called Quest, some early EmInem and so on but that is pretty much where it ends. To be able to quote lyric from barely five years ago takes some serious devotion to Hip Hop.

I think she should 'fess up and admit that hip hop is hot and that she loves it! Pretending not to like it (or some of it) simply to appeal to her base of empty headed ignoramuses is dishonest for someone who claims to be a journalist.  Her behaviour is akin to that of an immature schoolgirl who is not quite sure of how to draw the attention of her crush and who in desperation resorts to making silly angry faces at the object of her desires.

Then again, honesty and goodness is not something easily associated with her most fervent and loving supporters.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Afritudes Ten Black Commandments

1) Love thyself.
2) Continually educate yourself.
3) Study and understand your history in order to profit from it.
 4) Challenge existing negative stereotypes of ourselves.
5) Build and strengthen the family unit.
6) Do for self and  establish your own businesses in order to become self reliance.
7) Create value for  and within the community in which you do so
8) Value your own media and promote your cultural and social interests
9) Make it a point of honour to help your brother and your sister when they need it.
10) Always be courteous and kind and respectful at all times to those who deserve it.

Brotha Afritude