Thursday 29 January 2015

Oh Slavery days! Lest we forget.

Greetings family.

This photo is a sculpture of men and women were drowned by the slave master of the coast of Greanada as they were not deemed fit enough to complete the transatlantic crossing

It is often said, by those who fear facing up to a darker and crueller past in inter human relations, that black people should "just get over it" whether it be slavery or colonialism.

It is disheartening that there are so many people out there who have this mentality while at the same time insisting that we never forget the holocaust or various other acts of atrocity perpetrated against those whom, it would appear to feel, are "proper" humans rather than a sub human species as darker skinned people are often considered to be.

I, for one, will not forget, and will not "get over it" and in fact, in my small little way,  will continue to post my own mini memorials dedicated to those who suffered so much during that time.

I am not demanding reparations nor am I demanding special treatment for black people. I am not even requesting an apology. After all, is it not true that all people alive today were not responsible for slavery - or at least the transatlantic slave trade, even though some of them wish it still existed? An example is this man below, Scott Terry.

All I ask is that we all remember these injustices; and the repression faced; as well as the accompanying wanton brutality that so many went through,  and learn from this in order to ensure that this sort of thing never happens again.

Wishing you all a peaceful and contemplative day, on behalf of myself and of those who came before me.

Brotha Afritude

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